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作者:admin 发表于:2014-08-01 点击:1643  保护视力色:





  相关文章发表于《Cell Reports》杂志上,可能有一天会导致新的癌症疗法。根据爱荷华大学的一个生物学家和她的同事们,以及由环境卫生科学研究所的高级助理研究员Dmitry Gordenin所领导的一个研究组的研究表明。


  自由艺术与科学的UI学院的生物学副教授Anna Malkova指出,DNA修复途径,被称为断裂诱导复制(BIR),可以促进DNA团的突变。

  “以前,我们已经表明,双链DNA断裂(这可以产生氧化,电离辐射和复制错误),可以通过BIR修复,” Malkova说。

  “在BIR期间,断裂DNA的末端与另一个染色体上的相同的DNA序列配对,并启动一个不同寻常类型的复制,和迁移泡沫一样的行进,并与大量的单链DNA的积累有关,” 她说。

  在本研究中,研究人员研究了遭受到烷化剂(细胞的杀伤剂)伤害的酵母细胞的BIR过程。“我们发现,BIR过程中的单链DNA积累容易受到导致基团簇突变形成的伤害,”文章的另一第一作者、 UI博士后 Cynthia Sakofsky解释道,“这些基团簇与在人类癌症中发现的相似。”



Break-Induced Replication Is a Source of Mutation Clusters Underlying Kataegis

Cynthia J. Sakofsky, Steven A. Roberts, Ewa Malc, Piotr A. Mieczkowski, Michael A. Resnick, Dmitry A. Gordenin, Anna Malkova

  Clusters of simultaneous multiple mutations can be a source of rapid change during carcinogenesis and evolution. Such mutation clusters have been recently shown to originate from DNA damage within long single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) formed at resected double-strand breaks and dysfunctional replication forks. Here, we identify double-strand break (DSB)-induced replication (BIR) as another powerful source of mutation clusters that formed in nearly half of wild-type yeast cells undergoing BIR in the presence of alkylating damage. Clustered mutations were primarily formed along the track of DNA synthesis and were frequently associated with additional breakage and rearrangements. Moreover, the base specificity, strand coordination, and strand bias of the mutation spectrum were consistent with mutations arising from damage in persistent ssDNA stretches within unconventional replication intermediates. Altogether, these features closely resemble kataegic events in cancers, suggesting that replication intermediates during BIR may be the most prominent source of mutation clusters across species.