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作者:admin 发表于:2014-07-23 点击:1584  保护视力色:




  Ekaterina Gottshall,分子和细胞生命科学博士计划的研究生,这篇文章的第一作者,实验工作的主要贡献者。其他的作者有分子生物学系副教授杰伊·加特林和沃德研究组的副研究员Corrine Seebart。



  “这通常被认为是,细菌细胞不同于我们细胞的一个基本途径,” 沃德说。“不过,Gemmata obscuriglobus(他们所研究的细菌)的细胞具有复杂的内膜,使它们表面看起来像是真核细胞。”


  “我们提出这个问题,是因为我们不能完全理解,复杂的真核细胞从一个更简单的祖先进化而来的途径,并且我们认为,研究Gemmata的这个问题可能揭示这个问题的一些谜团,” Gottshall说。



  沃德和她的研究小组发现大多数的G. obscuriglobus翻译和转录发生在不同的地方,和真核细胞一样。

  “虽然这不是第一次报道细菌,但这是首次报道这样一个复杂的细菌细胞,” 沃德说。“虽然我们不知道,Gemmata是否存在一个,,导致出现与真核细胞相同的方式。它向我们展示了,它有可能成为组织化的一个方式。”(来源:生物帮)


Spatially segregated transcription and translation in cells of the endomembrane-containing bacterium Gemmata obscuriglobus

Ekaterina Y. Gottshall, Corrine Seebart, Jesse C. Gatlin, and Naomi L. Ward

  The dogma of coupled transcription and translation in bacteria has been challenged by recent reports of spatial segregation of these processes within the relatively simple cellular organization of the model organisms Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. The bacterial species Gemmata obscuriglobus possesses an extensive endomembrane system. The membranes generate a very convoluted intracellular architecture in which some of the cell’s ribosomes appear to have less direct access to the cell’s nucleoid(s) than others. This observation prompted us to test the hypothesis that a substantial proportion of G. obscuriglobustranslation may be spatially segregated from transcription. Using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, we showed that translating ribosomes are localized throughout the cell, with a quantitatively greater proportion found in regions distal to nucleoid(s). Our results extend information about the phylogenetic and morphological diversity of bacteria in which the spatial organization of transcription and translation has been studied. These findings also suggest that endomembranes may provide an obstacle to colocated transcription and translation, a role for endomembranes that has not been reported previously for a prokaryotic organism. Our studies of G. obscuriglobus may provide a useful background for consideration of the evolutionary development of eukaryotic cellular complexity and how it led to decoupled processes of gene expression in eukaryotes.