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作者:admin 发表于:2014-08-03 点击:1574  保护视力色:







  Sabrina Diano,她是本文第一作者、耶鲁大学医学院产科学、妇科和生殖科学、比较医学和神经生物学系的教授,以及耶鲁综合细胞信号传导和代谢神经生物学项目成员之一。她指出:“因为内肽酶的水平较低,神经元不再对血糖水平增加敏感,无法控制胰岛素从胰腺的释放,小鼠就会发展为糖尿病。”




Hypothalamic prolyl endopeptidase (PREP) regulatespancreatic insulin and glucagon secretion in mice

Jung Dae Kim, Chitoku Toda, Giuseppe D’Agostino, Caroline J. Zeiss, Ralph J. DiLeone,John D. Elsworth, Richard G. Kibbey, Owen Chan, Brandon K. Harvey, Christopher T. Richie,Mari Savolainen, Timo My?h?nnen, Jin Kwon Jeong and Sabrina Diano

  Prolyl endopeptidase (PREP) has been implicated in neuronal functions. Here we report thathypothalamic PREP is predominantly expressed in the ventromedial nucleus (VMH), where it regulatesglucose-induced neuronal activation. PREP knockdown mice (Prepgt/gt) exhibited glucose intolerance, decreased fasting insulin, increased fasting glucagon levels, and reduced glucose-induced insulinsecretion compared with wild-type controls. Consistent with this, central infusion of a specific PREPinhibitor, S17092, impaired glucose tolerance and decreased insulin levels in wild-type mice. Arguing further for a central mode of action of PREP, isolated pancreatic islets showed no difference in glucose-induced insulin release between Prepgt/gt and wild-type mice. Furthermore, hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies showed no difference between Prepgt/gt and wild-type control mice. Central PREP regulation of insulin and glucagon secretion appears to be mediated by the autonomic nervous system becausePrepgt/gt mice have elevated sympathetic outflow and norepinephrine levels in the pancreas, andpropranolol treatment reversed glucose intolerance in these mice. Finally, re-expression of PREP by bilateral VMH injection of adeno-associated virus–PREP reversed the glucose-intolerant phenotype of thePrepgt/gt mice. Taken together, our results unmask a previously unknown player in central regulation of glucose metabolism and pancreatic function.